Final fantasy iii psp strongest equipment internet
Final fantasy iii psp strongest equipment internet

  • Steal from Vajradhara Asura in M9-3-5: Wutai’s Best.
  • Find in M7-6-3: A Recruiter in a Slump, in the South-West corner of the map.
  • Clear M7-5-4: Second Son in the Wasteland.
  • Find in M6-6-6: The Don’s Twilight, in the South-East corner of the map.
  • Rare Steal from Mock Trooper C in M9-6-5: Life Form of Energy.
  • final fantasy iii psp strongest equipment internet

    Find in M9-4-5: Only for SOLDIER, on the side path to the East of the starting point.Find in M9-6-2: Lowest Tier, on the Northern edge of the map.Find in M9-2-5: To the Lower Levels, at the end of the South-Eastern path.Find and appease the Magic Pot in M10-2-3: Master Tonberry with Jump, Fira, Gravity and Assault Twister.Find in M4-3-2: Obliterate Advance Elements, in the North part of the map.HP, MP and AP can Break up to 3x their normal amount.Clear M9-6-6: The Reigning Deity by defeating Minerva.Rare Steal from Mock Trooper A in M9-6-5: Life Form of Energy.Find in M9-4-4: Machines Gone Haywire, in the North-East part of the map.Find in M9-6-3: Weapons Gone Haywire, in the North-West corner of the map.Rare Steal from Crazy Sword in M3-5-4: Chase the Copies, M7-6-4: The Irritated Recruiter, and M9-4-1: Genesis’s Ambition.Rare Steal from Diatryma in M9-6-4: Biomechanical Threat.Find in M9-3-3: Genesis’s New Weapon, in the North-West corner of the map.Find in M2-5-5: Another Cavern, in the North-West corner of the map.Find in M9-5-4: Abnormal Power, in the Eastern area of the map.Steal from the Grandpanzer in M9-3-3: Genesis’s New Weapon.Find in M9-2-4: A New Path Discovered, on the Western edge of the map.Buy at Network Shop Duo for 50,000 gil.Find in M2-5-6: The Great Beast in the North-West corner of the map.All of Zack’s attacks are Critical Hits.Find in M9-4-6: Only for 1st Class, in the North-Western part of the map.Find in M9-3-5: Wutai’s Best, on the Western edge of the map.Find in M7-6-5: The Frustrated Recruiter, in the North-Eastern part of the map.Find in M7-5-6: Youngest in the Wasteland, in the Western half of the map.Buy at Mythril Mine Trading for 30,000 gil (after clearing M2-4-5: Cave-In Investigation).Buy at Mythril Mine Trading for 10,000 gil (after clearing M2-4-5: Cave-In Investigation).Find in M9-4-3: A Fresh Start on the path that goes to the South-East corner of the map.Find in M1-5-4: Shinra Machines Unit on the Southern edge of the map.Items dropped or Stolen from enemies are always rare.Find in M9-5-4: Abnormal Power in the Eastern side of the map.Perform Ultima, Tri-Fire, Iron Fist and Electrocute. Encounter a Magic Pot in M2-5-4: New Cavern Found or M2-5-5: Another Cavern.Doubles item and Materia drops from enemies.Find and appease the Magic Pot in M10-2-3 with Jump, Fira, Gravity and Assault Twister.Steal from Kactuare in M9-6-1: Toughest Monsters.Find in M9-5-2: Further Below, on the Northern edge of the map.A Potion is automatically consumed when Zack’s HP falls below 25%.Find in M9-3-5: Wutai’s Best in the South-East corner of the map.Steal from Malboro in M9-6-4: Biomechanical Threats.Prevents all Status ailments (including Death).Randomly-chosen item in a Level 5 Item Mugger, the Magic Pot Summon.Steal from a Great Malboro in M2-5-6: The Great Beast or M6-6-5: The Melancholy Don.Prevents all Status ailments, except Death.Rare Steal from a G Enforcer in M3-5-4: Chase the Copies and M3-5-5: Defeat the Copies.Adds Fire, Ice and Lightning to Zack’s melee attacks, and absorbs them from enemy attacks into HP.Find in M2-5-1: Investigation of the Caverns, ahead from the starting point.Adds Fire, Ice and Lightning to melee attacks.Buy at Sec.7 Shop or Network Shop Duo for 80,000 gil.Clear M7-5-6: Youngest in the Wasteland.Absorbs Fire, Ice and Lightning attacks into HP.

    final fantasy iii psp strongest equipment internet

    Complete the third Seven Wonders of Nibelheim mystery, the Wonder Bomb.Find in Chest in M10-1-3: Cactuar Found?.Nullifies Fire, Ice and Lightning attacks.Buy at Sec.7 Shop or Net Shop Duo for 20,000 gil.Halves damage from Fire, Ice and Lightning attacks.You do not have to do all of them at once! Armlets In the table below, you only have to do just one of the tasks listed in the “How to get” column.

    Final fantasy iii psp strongest equipment internet